Sunday, October 27, 2013

Service changes

Hello. Here are a few changes to MyWikis' product lineups:
  • MyWikis Free will be tucked away until December, so follow our Twitter (@mywikis)!
  • MyWikis Quantum will be discontinued due to low popularity. All customers are encouraged to switch to our VPS offerings, starting at $35. With more reliability, plus awesomeness, you just can't say no!
MyWikis Quantum's discontinuation date is slanted for January 2014. We want to prepare ourselves and our customers in order to make a smooth transition.

We'd also like to take the time to remind customers of benefits of using Pro:
  • Priority support
    • This includes weekend support, answered within 9 hours on Saturday and answered within 12 hours on Sunday.
    • You may be prioritized over our free customers!
  • Free domain for your wiki after three months of payments!
    • For the month of October, we've reduced this to one month of payment!
    • Every domain comes with five free email addresses, which comes with 1024mb of email storage. After that, emails will be unable to be sent to your email address. To add more storage, you may buy another 1024mb of storage for $2.
    • After the allotted five free email addresses, you may buy another email address for $1 in increments of 10 every time.
    • Truly unlimited email service (unlimited email addresses, unlimited space) is provided for $8/month.
  • Another wiki for you? Coming right up, absolutely free!
  • No advertisements (like always!)
Since you help us grow and nurture all the wikis using MyWikis, we'd like to thank you once again for your continued support in our quality services.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on our TSS ( Thanks!