Haven't found out how amazing Terml.io is yet? Visit https://www.terml.io and then come back here to help us! Thank you :)
On May 3, 2015, Justin Potts, Terml.io's founder, registered the domain name terml.io for one year. Since then, Terml.io has accomplished so much; our service is loaded with useful features, allowing studying vocabulary easier.
Of course, we couldn't have done it without you. We first would like to thank our users for their support. Without you, Terml.io would be nothing like it is today. And we hope we have served you to the best of our ability.
But on May 3, 2016, less than five months from now, terml.io will expire and the domain name will be no more if nothing is done.
Unlike Terml.io Premium and Terml.io's free web hosting provided by MyWikis, there is no way to get the domain name terml.io for free. So we need your help.
As Terml.io's service is distinguishable by using .io instead of .com, the cost for this kind of domain name is $30 for one year. Mr. Potts paid this fee a year ago, but since he is no longer covering the costs of the service and there is absolutely no income from Terml.io (we do this all for free out of our pockets), we ask you to pitch in and help us with our domain renewal fee.
In return, we give you our gratitude and a special, visible place on the Terml.io website thanking you for your contribution. The more you can pitch in, the larger your name will be.
Please help us survive. Terml.io is currently 100% donation-based, and any amount goes directly to running Terml.io. Absolutely nobody assisting with running Terml.io keeps any money. Excess funds will be reserved for Terml.io's future domain name needs and anything else that requires money unconditionally. The money goes directly to keeping Terml.io alive and at its signature domain name.
Please contribute below. Any amount is highly appreciated. PayPal requires a minimum donation of $1:
Once again, thank you. -- Terml.io staff
(P.S. If the domain is unable to be renewed, starting around March or April, the Terml.io website will move to a domain like termlio.mywikis.com, with a redirect on Terml.io. From May onwards, the domain terml.io would no longer function. Please help us prevent something like that from happening and continue the legacy of Terml.io.)